Yesterday was my birthday! I am now twenty five. Gulp. To celebrate this, me and Mike had a little walk around Notting Hill, ate huge burgers and most importantly saw ONLY GOD FORGIVES! Crazy good, you guys. Go see it! I would recommend Notting Hill Gate cinema, its so tiny but the sound is lovely, I have a real problem in Cineworld cinema's sound quality (trailers are quiet, film even quieter) so it just goes to show you should always shop around rather than going with whatever is closest! Also I would NOT recommend trying to walk down Portobello Road on a Saturday, it is teeming with tourists who can't walk in a straight line. HONESTLY LOVE, TAKE UP THE WHOLE PAVEMENT WHY DON'T YOU.
If you follow me on instagram (username: ucrazyutaraptor) I've been tweeting all about my day! :)
Lovely pictures :)