Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Delicious Wishlist

Yesterday I wanted to buy myself a little treat because I was so good at the dentist, and any excuse really! I hit the jackpot when I found a dress I've wanted for a while had gone into the sales! It's on its way to me now. But, before I remembered to look for it I found lot's of other lovely things that I quite wanted to have, so I made a little wishlist to show you!
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10
The pastel bag is a steal at £8, how good is that?! It comes in other colours and everything and at that prince it doesn't matter too much if you want to say, SHOVE STUDS ALL OVER IT. That would be lovely! My favourite thing on this list is the french fries t-shirt. I am practically giving birth over how wonderful it is. Except that it's CROPPED. Look, I'm sorry but I haven't worn a crop top since I was thirteen and I don't plan on going to any school discos again soon so can we just get back to having regular sized tops now? 


  1. Great wants doll esp 2 & 7:)
    sara xx http://beautifulworldoflennynb.blogspot.ca/

  2. that fries shirt is actually the greatest thing ever- I saw it the other day and totally wanted it!

    Love the candy tones ;)!


  3. I'm pretty crazy about number 7! That dress is great :)


    Satchel also amaze.

  5. love them all! 1,2,7,10...definitely my favorites!

  6. Aww! The apple dress is so cute!!


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